Thursday, December 17, 2009


Almost there... The weird shit I do to secure my stuff is beyond all crates. Cups, string, toothpicks, and a Cabelas cardboard box. Wonder what my dad got in it anyways...?

My love with the sun,

Monday, December 14, 2009

My work here is never done!!!

I will make this so shiny!!!

My love with the sun,

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Almost works

In progress trial...

My love with the sun,

Monday, November 30, 2009

Glad I Tested that...

I decided to test my creation *before* I destroy anything pretty and I am glad I did!

I like this piece of wood, so I made a crappy plywood copy to muck up instead!

My favorite game to play is Go-To-Home-Depot-And-Forget-English. It sounds silly and I need a better name for it, but I go to Home Depot and walk around the isles looking for things that look like things I need, regardless of their intended use. (I LOVE the toilet section). Here I bought springs that are for swinging doors and decorative plate hangers.

Then I made a cardboard head band to try out and see if my head actually fits.

Naturally it does because I am brilliant.

Or not.

Good thing I tried all this out - its chopping off my neck! I'll make a nifty padded hollow for that so I don't die of asphyxiation before I get to die of anything more interesting.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The bed and breakfast

I am staying at a bed and breakfast in Cherry Creek NY (south of Buffalo and east of Erie), and I went into the attic and I found:

My love with the sun,

Monday, November 2, 2009

Plaster Disaster

I am trying to cast molds of my molds, but I am finding out that using plaster to do so was not a good idea. I don't know what my issue is, but plaster is not working out for me. At all.
I will try using my tried and true ghetto fabulous silicone mold technique. Or maybe try that brush on stuff they sell at AC Moore?
Either way, my car is broken so I will need to wait untill I can get one of those two things to start on it.

-Heather the Chalky White Mess

Friday, October 23, 2009


I feel bad for not having updated my blog in so long. I am bad at these sorts of things... So here is the catch up on what I'm doing.
I now have two casts in plastic of my teeth- one upper and one lower. I have been looking at alot of websites that are these bizarre collections of antique medical... stuff. I feel silly reposting all of their pictures but I will collect my favorites and put them all up later.
I have been trying to think of what medium to cast my casts in, and metal was my first instinct. Either aluminum or stainless steel. But after looking at old medical things, glass is looking more and more beautiful to me. Clear, blue, or amber. The next concern I am tackleing is how to present them. I was at work last weekend and we are changing our trays over to the new spec ones, and had to take apart the spring loaded tray elevator/holder/hole thing. When we pulled it out of the housing, I HAD TO HAVE IT. I need to make a wooden half circle and mount/suspend the things from springs! It's perfect! Sadly, though, I can't take the tray holder from work... But that will never stop me!

My love with the sun,
-Heather the blog slacker

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Warms me to the roots

Today I boiled a mouthguard to make a sort of working [template?] [trial?] [first thingy?]. It turned out to work REALLY WELL. I highly recommend using the EZ Gard brand boil mouthguard. It was so perfect that my fingerprints were picked up in the plastic, and it didn't burn me like I remember it doing in middle school when I was playing lacrosse...

First you boil it:


After 12 seconds you take it out and squish it on your teeth

It warms your teeth to the roots


I am going to string floss through this one first to see if I can match up the threads correctly to my front and back tooth gaps, and get it to work. I won't be too bummed if if doesn't, it'll still be a really useful [thingy].

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Disaster in the Melting Pot

Some weird things happened... I think there was a hole in my melty tin (in retrospect it is pretty old from lots of meltings), so this happened:

My alginate teeth:

My plaster teeth:

Casting Pearly Whites Before Swine

Today I am ghetto-casting my teeth with some Alginate and plaster and/or wax. These are just going to be for reference and might not actually be used for much in the end. I would like to get a real full mouth cast done at the dentist but I'm not sure the least weird way to ask them for it and if I can keep it.
I need to go soon to get my cavity filled anyway. They said its tiny so I do not see why I need to go through with the Novocain, but they strongly recommend it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I went to the dentist about a week and a half ago. They told me (as they have before) that I am predisposed to periodontal disease. It's no fault of my own - I brush twice every day and use ACT - But according to them my mouth is more like a 35 year olds than a 20 year olds. This is pretty frustrating for me. They told me to floss alot. I already do.
The very worst thing about all this is the xrays that don't fit in my mouth and add insult to injury by showing that I have a cavity. I'm no baby, I am not afraid of drills. But I do have a paralyzing fear of needles. I can't get shots or blood drawn, and most of all I can't get novacain. I can't I can't I can't. I get really upset and worked up and as soon as my ordeal is over I pass out. Not fun.

SO, I am thinking of making a scary bear trap like all-at-once tooth flosser.

My love with the sun,

Friday, September 4, 2009

My not-so-virgin first blog post

This is my blog for Materials and Techniques - or the How to Make Anything Class. It's my first blog since I had Xanga in middle school which I got in alot of trouble for because I roasted this kid for getting my best freind preg--- this is not important. It's 1am and Quinn is dead asleep on my left arm so I'm right handedly seek and poking at my iPhones keyboard. I don't have any idea what to make yet to blog about making, so in the mean time I'll blog about thinking about making stuff. It will usuially be at midnight and I'll try to keep the rambling to a minimum.

My love with the sun,